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How much weight can I expect to lose?

Weight loss should never be your main focus. Let's face it, if you feel you need to "lose weight" what you really mean is you're carrying too much body fat.

To get in shape, you want to build muscle, lose body fat and make skin tight around those muscles to appear toned.

Muscle tissue is roughly twice as dense as body fat and takes up half the volume- meaning you can be 12 stone of body fat and wear a size 18 or you could be 12 stone of muscle mass and wear a size 8!

Your weight has no relevance to how you look or feel.

Any weight you lose will be determined by your muscle to fat ratio. Those who carry more muscle will lose less weight than those who carry more body fat. However, both will lose body fat at a similar rate.

Focus on what matters- Fat Loss

Typically, we can help people drop 20% of their body fat volume and around 10-18lbs in just 6 weeks!

How long will it take me to reach my goals?

The amount of time it will take to achieve your goals will be vary depending on a number of factors. Consider your ability to be consistent, to follow guidance and whether or not you know everything you need to know to get there

Our programs are designed to take any guesswork out of the equation. We show you exactly what you need to do with exercise and nutrition during different phases of your transformation.

We give you the knowledge, hold you to a higher standard and hold you accountable to ensure you follow through on your commitment.

Typically we see people drop at least 2 clothes sizes in their first 6-8 weeks.

How do i know if this is the right gym for me?

If you have been struggling to get results on your own or you've had multiple failed attempts at dieting or attending fitness classes, we can help. After all, we're known as the go-to place when nothing else has worked.

Our programs are individually tailored- meaning they're custom built using your personal body metrics to ensure you drop body fat, build lean muscle mass and improve important health markers.

We guarantee results on a money back basis. If you were to follow the plan and NOT see progress, we'll refund every penny (in 10 years of business, we've never had to do that)

Will I be the most "unfit" person there?


Everyone goes at their own pace. We train people of all different shapes, sizes, age and ability levels. You don't have to "keep up" with anyone and there's no competition.

Our only expectation of you is that you turn up and do what you can. Over time, with our help, you'll become fitter, stronger and more confident in your fitness ability

Furthermore, our clients are all here for the same reason- to look, feel and preform better. We've built a friendly, positive and supportive environment full of likeminded people who encourage each other, want you to succeed and don't judge